Our Vision, Values & Mission

Our school motto


For God We Strive

Our vision

An inclusive community committed to high levels of learning for all.

Our mission

In the spirit of Saint Mary Mackillop, we strive for excellence with love, dignity, integrity and justice.

Our values


Jesus said that we need to love others as we love ourselves and to remember that we are always loved by God.

We strive to be Loving by:

  • By being Jesus to one another.
  • Being a caring community.
  • Actively pursuing opportunities to enhance our community of care.
  • Reaching out in ways that nurture a sense of belonging.


We treat each person with dignity by respecting their unique value and worth.

We strive for Dignity by:

  • Celebrating and respecting the unique qualities and talents of each learner.
  • Celebrating progress over product.
  • Ensuring the needs of each person are met for their spiritual, emotional and academic development.
  • Acknowledging the contributions each person makes to our school community.


Our interactions are based on being accountable for our actions, being trustworthy and conducting ourselves honestly and ethically.

We strive for Integrity by:

  • Expecting all learners to be persistent and to take responsibility for their learning.
  • Engaging collaboratively in research-based, best practices in teaching and learning.
  • Engaging families in the learning process.
  • Supporting the professional growth of expert teachers through collaboration.


We support a positive learning environment that has relationships, fairness and inclusive practices at its core.

We strive for Justice by:

  • Providing school structures that support inclusivity, safety and engagement of all learners and community members.
  • Nurturing social justice in our community by seeking ways to support the less fortunate.
  • Acknowledging and celebrating interactions that nurture inclusivity and belonging.
  • Ensuring the progress of all learners in accordance with their needs.

Find out more about our vision, values and mission.